Friday, September 4, 2009

Where did the time go?

It has been forever since I have had time to breathe, much less post. Life is good and God is great! The Wadsworths have turned their little world upside down with lots of changes over the past few months. We have been in prayer for a few years regarding some of these changes and finally felt at peace with the decisions! Tyler started a new school in August, American Christian Academy in Tuscaloosa. He absolutely loves it!! I could have never dreamed he would enjoy it so much, learn so much and be involved in so much!! It was a scary decision to make, just being unsure if he would transition well and if he would like it. But, we stepped out on faith of what we felt like God was leading us to do and it paid off big time! I've never had a child who wanted to go to school and it is very exciting as a parent to see your child excited about school! The funny part is that we almost didn't go inside the school on the day we were checking out new schools. We just weren't sure if it would be for us; but, we thought well, why not just go in and look. Then once again, God showed up and showed out and we all left stunned and amazed with the way we felt! I am just so amazed as to how well it is going! And then came Pineview Preschool, the best place i've ever been! Wow, words can't describe how great things are going and how fast we are growing and how much I Love My Job!!! Our church stepped out on faith and alot of hard work and God blessed big time in return! This ministry is a huge outreach for our church and lives are already being changed for eternity! My mind can't understand all the ways God has moved in this ministry already! We have the best students and parents anyone could ever ask for! And I also must say that I have a great husband who has picked up alot more (or all) responsibilty at our business in order for me to be able to do this. But, he understands that when God calls you to do something; you have to do it! Or, you could end up like Jonah; and right now there is no time to be stuck in the belly of a whale!! I have enjoyed directing more than I orginally thought; I thought I would miss teaching. Now, I get to know all the kids in every class and that's just more kids to love!! I guess that's all I got for now, but I'm sure there is more to come!!